Friday 7 February 2014

Learn To Live Your Life As How It Suppose To Be!

It's been sometime. I realised, family matters the most and comes as the first choice. Visha has gone to India for vacation, almost 2 weeks period. And I'm left all alone. Every holidays will be spent with her. It can be going for movies, checking out new places, new food, new adventures and such. My Chinese New Year had been just okay. We went to I-city, located in Shah Alam. Spent time wisely with my family. Afterall, I found out that, they are the only group who gives more, and take less. My cousin, Tharma dropped by. Its way cooler when someone can make you laugh all time with all those old memories we had together. And here, to let you see how beautiful I-city was.

Relationship status is getting boring day by day. We talk less, having no real topic or getting to the same one day after another. I decided to give it a break. All I need now is to focus on my studies and travel to oversea to explore more. I still have not decided what I wanna be in future. Is there time? Really? Right when I decided to put it on a break, she had to confess her love for me. Yes, she told me that she would like to bring this to another level. However, I explained her everything how it supposed to be and the consequences. She found that it is indeed true and that we should start focusing on what we are suppose to. Studies. Yet, she told me she will be waiting and this will go on for sometime. I'm so lucky to have meet her, she actually understood what I wanted. It just, this is not the right time. "Right things, wrong timing".

I also realised, I'm going far from the light of God. Everything seem to be real in darkness. I know its wrong, but I enjoyed it. After All, if you don't break the rules, you miss all the fun. This need to come to stop. Fed invited me to Palama's farewell party. Palama is leaving to USA. Saying a last goodbye can be heartache. I wish all luck to Palama and her son. She is meeting her husband after a very long time and will be staying there permanently. And now, I have two people to meet when I'm there in USA and France. Thanks to Fed. She said she will be moving too, sooner.

Friendship bond is almost in the period of detaching. The girls fighting over sensitive issues. But we boys are getting busier with our life. The other boys are changing to sanity. They reject things, being like a pussy. No drinks, No shisha, No games, No outings. Man, what are you after in real? If you spend time by being busy all time, and being a hard dick when it comes outing, I think you will enjoy no life.I see you update things being on vacation with girlfriend, but what about us, your old schoolmates? What happened to all the promises you made? Just remember, be lifeless now, and you'll also be lifeless in the end. 

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Rough Time

Well, as of 8th January 2013, life isn't that good at all. Yes, I came across so many issues to deal with in just 8 days time.

Sleeping is my favorite hobby, to be real. But I find it hard to sleep early nowadays. As school just started, I always pinned in my mind to sleep earlier. However, somehow, I fall asleep after 3 am. Till then, just roll on the bed trying different posture each time.

Back to uni, I skipped my very first day, as the Insomnia changed to the whole new level. I took the chance to finish up all my co-op reports, logbooks and attachments needed to bind together. It doesn't feel the same like how it used to be before. I'm lack of motivations. I need good food, good time, good rest, and everything just like how it used to be. And the number of emails I'm getting everyday. Damn, I need a break. There is so much of things and all you can do is just to shut me up with emails? You need to take your own effort to solve those issues. Why calling me when I'm totally done with ya'll? 

Being in Uni for the 2nd day, was pretty good. There was still a lot of things to catch up, plus the birthday of someone special to me fell on the same day. We had arguments last night, which I think is totally irrelevent. But still, Happy Birthday. I will get your Baskin Robbins soon. I promise! It was great to come back home, looking at my cousin playing and I helped her on her homeworks. Brother been sleeping for the whole day to be exact. He lay himself on the couch and that's it. He is going nowhere. 

Took a nap, was it for 3 hours? LOL I got up when I hear mom came back home yelling at us for not collecting the clothes. Who cares? Haha. Then I received a call from my bro's for life, to go shisha together at Rojmaan, next to my uni. It was four of us including me, T, K and S. We had a good laugh, recapping old fun time and catching up with all four months being an intern. Made plans to hit club this coming Saturday night and arrange for holiday trip to Langkawi soon. Later, I had to rush back to Visha. She always need me for her assignment and I'm glad to help. Afterall, she is my best friend. So anything for her. We had a pretty good time with her family members around, watching some comedy movie and laugh out loud. 

I had some rough time with the girl I'm dating right now. Nah, I will just stop here. Time to get to bed already. Class at 8 am tomorrow. Heat Transfer. Damn!!! Whatever it is, just remember:

See ya!

Saturday 4 January 2014

Nothing Wrong to Love Yourself.

There is a bunch of people showing hatred to people who like to take selfies. I mean c'mon. Taking selfies actually means you just love yourself. Isn't that's what we as human should do at first stage? How do raise your confidence in you without loving yourself?

People will always say something, all you need to do is just ignore it. Fuck them upside down. Ha-ha. Or be prepared to get yourself fucked. In real life, they do it too. But they kept things within themselves. Just try look into the gallery. I'm sure you gonna find lotsa stuff in it. Pictures like selfies, Duck Face, Twerk, Naked, Shirtless, Body Builders, boobs.. anymore hashtags? Or and try look for folders. They keep porn in it. Or a couple of photos with bf/gf. Haha

Just because someone talk bad about you, that doesn't really mean you are one. They forgot about looking into themselves before pointing fingers to others. Or you wanna make yourself to look positive? There is a way. Just put it as this.
People who talk at your back are simply your "confused admirer".
 Wait! There is another quote which I came across the other day in internet.

"Quit judging unless you have walked a day in someone else's shoes"

Perfect isn't it? Judging others is never good,just as being judged. So look ahead, put your aims first, and the family, followed by friends, and lastly your haters. Smile at them, that will make them more to hate you, but that will definetely be a better way to show that you're good enough to face such situations.

Gotta catch up for party tonight. Sue, the birthday girl will be given a surprise! We planned to throw her a big party! 

So, will write about it later. :D

Thursday 2 January 2014

More Night Out!

             The new year were well spent with friends actually. We decided to go temple instead of partying late night like years before. Well, our night was meant to be holy. Haha. We went to Kajang Uchi Pillayar Temple, located up on the hill, where you can see the nightlife in Kajang. It was good to be there, as we don't really go to temples unless there is some big event to be celebrated.

We had a pretty good time together later in Aliff Bistro, located in Balakong C180.  Normally we'll just hang out in some mamak stall rather than going for some cool "fancy" looking restaurants.

You may ask why? Because,

  1. We are from a middle class family. Okay, maybe Visha is something out of the box, in this case. She isn't rich, but upper middle class maybe? LOL
  2. Family don't really encourage us to be out till late night. The maximum will be around 12 o'clock or was it 11? I'm not sure. My parents are cool with it. :)
  3.  Is there any other best spot to hang out with friends rather than getting caught up by police? Haha. Normally being in mamak stall is the safest place for a night. You can just keep ordering food, talk about anything you want, yell, shout, scream, whatsoever. Anything.
  4. Parents are cool with Mamak Stall. Just to be safe, we sometime call parents to ask if they need anything from there.
So, at one point, we realized there is necessity to celebrate Sue's birthday. She is turning 22 in a few days time. So first thought, clubbing? But nah, we had enough already. No more alcohols for one-two weeks. Plus the girls don't drink. They just spend time laughing with us and then head back home. So, I-city? But that sounds a little boring. Any other suggestion? The conversation kept jumping from one plan to another. Yet, we have not decided anything. We decided to go back home, and Whatsapp through groupchat. This circle of friends are cool, but as I mentioned earlier, they are "half-vegetarians". 

I just wanna have another group of friends, jumping to go club, go concerts, travel more, taking more photos for each new things explored, and staying together. I wanna party hard, as thats the only thing I can think of being an adult. I mean yeah, things like future comes into the box. But, you can't be jumping high when you're 50, can you? So why want to push your luck? Just go with flow. Party hard. No, wait. Harder! Night out with the interns last year, to be real, a few days ago, 30th December 2013 was one of the best night. Reggae bar ain't that bad. Its about getting drunk and dance like no tomorrow. Hopefully, in this year, I will gain more friends who like to party hard and travel more, rather than being in the city doing same shits throughout the year. Hopefully, but nayyyy.. This never means that I don't like the "
half vegetarians". I just need more. Thats it.

The Start of All

Okay, this is my very first blog. 

Ever since I start growing up with some people in high school, in which they considered me as the dirt bag and that only they are capable of doing anything, I actually wanted to show to them that I will be someone, someday, sometime later. I was out of all negative issues other than the incident which happened during my Form 4, well it will be better if  I just skip on that, for my whole life. That incident was just too horrible to think off. So lets just cut that out. However, I made friends in a circle mixture of attitudes and behaviour. We're holy during day, wild during night. We are half-vegetarians. :) 

Anyway,you may wanna know who am I and what is my life about. Well, my name is "Silent Killer" and I just turned 21, two months ago. I enrolled myself in some degree program of what I believe can make me be someone in near future, Chemical Engineering in some university that is not so famous anyway. That's a very little brief introduction.

I completed my very first Co-Op with one of the famous oil & gas service company. This internship really made me to change into something else. During 2013, officially after the eighth month, August, I learnt a lot of things and gained new experience. I do feel I can be a better person and beat the society look previously they had on me. And yes, now I started dating someone. It took me 3 years to think and come up with this decision. Well, I'm just going with the flow, I mean anything can happen at anytime. I was serious as well with my previous relationship, which I thought will be my life. But nah, that just didn't happen.

I realised I feel like a new person recently, special thanks to my best friends and my parents of course, for giving me the key of freedom at the age of 21. Yes, I see my friends started to party even later than the curved time. All this started after my birthday and I'm happy about it.

Well, since new year started, I came up with a few new resolutions, aims and mindsets.

  1.  Study hard, work hard, party HARDER!
  2. Get a good CGPA to do my next internship with Nestle.
  3. Getting a new phone, of course it could be Samsung or Sony, but just a new one.My Nokia just look bad now, I wished I took better care on it. :(
  4. Building muscles,oh, lean muscles actually. Yeah, I wanna be model, man! HAHA
  5. Change the look of my room. I wanna get it Americanized or Britianized. LOL
  6. Earn more pocket money, but not in the idea of going for part time job. The moment you see money, your education may go to drain sometime. I mentioned "SOMETIME".
  7. New laptop, yes. Brother spoilt the gift from my mum. Thanks, Anya.Thanks. :3
  8. Going out more with friends. There's plenty of things need to be explored. My another friend is turning to 22 years in a few days time.
  9. Answer for a question is just a simple yes or no.
  10. Stop caring on what people say about me. I mean these rights fall for my family and close friends. The others are never feeding me any.

Well, that's it about the new year resolution. Will be writing again, anyway. There's plenty of thing I would like to share,as my diary will I burn every end of the year. Later then! :)